
Wojciech Bigaj and Anna Mathews are the authors of an article published in the Kosciuszko Institute report- “The development of shale gas in Poland and its prospects in the Czech Republic – analysis and recommendations”

In the December 2014 Kosciuszko Institute Report “The development of shale gas in Poland and its prospects in the Czech Republic – analysis and recommendations” (ed. I. Albrycht) W&W’s lawyers present the article “The development of shale gas in Poland and its prospects in the Czech Republic – analysis and recommendations”. The authors, Wojciech Bigaj and Anna Mathews, summarise the most important legal requirements regulating shale gas production in the countries concerned.

The key upstream Polish act, the Geological and Mining Law, has recently been amended and has created more favourable conditions for investors to begin the process of hydrocarbons exploration and production in Poland. In contrast, the Czech authorities have taken action on a moratorium prohibiting hydraulic fracturing. The article describes the basic differences in approach to the regulation of one of the most recent issues for European energy.

The article is available for viewing in the publications section of our website: LINK