Adam Wawrzynowicz is the co-author of, “Is the package of Shale Gas laws a response to the expectations of the Polish shale gas sector?”
In the Polish parliament on May 28, 2014, MP Andrzej Czerwinski, in collaboration with the Institute of Kosciuszko, organised a special meeting of the Parliamentary Energy Committee (the Shale Gas Round Table). The meeting saw the first publication of the paper “Is the package of Shale Gas laws a response to the expectations of the Polish shale gas sector?” from the Institute of Kosciuszko as part of the project “What are the opportunities for Unconventional Gas for Poland and Europe”?
The publication can be downloaded here: “Is the package of Shale Gas laws a response to the expectations of the Polish shale gas sector?”
The authors of the paper are Adam Wawrzynowicz (managing partner, W&W law firm) and Izabela Albrycht (a political scientist and President of the Kosciuszko Institute, and editor-in-chief of the International Shale Gas & Oil Journal).
The meeting and debate included members of parliament, representatives of the government and local administration, experts, representatives of the mining sector, and lawyers and tax advisors involved in the work on the regulatory environment for the hydrocarbon production sector . It was devoted to the development of the shale gas sector in Poland and the conduct of parliamentary work on government acts – The Law on the Special Hydrocarbons Tax, the amendment of the Geological and Mining Law and the amendment of certain other hydrocarbons laws. Due to the fact that work on “shale laws” has become more dynamic than ever before, the meeting was an ideal opportunity to once again allow the interested parties to articulate their views on the proposed regulation.
Summing up the debate, MP Andrzej Czerwinski reminded the audience that the government projects: the Law on the Special Hydrocarbons tax and the Geological and Mining Law were still not in the final shape and were being worked on by parliamentarians who could still submit corrections to them. He also stressed that at no stage of the legislative work should it be forgotten that the primary purpose of Parliament was to start the commercial production of shale gas in order to improve the situation and security of Poland and the Polish people, and was not only the creation of laws governing the issue of hydrocarbons.