
An article by Tomasz Brzezinski and Anna Mathews on REMIT appears in the collective publication “Zarządzanie energią i teleinformatyka ZET 2015″!

Tomasz Brzezinski and Anna Mathews of W&W have co-authored an article on the duties imposed by REMIT on energy companies, which appeared in the collective publication ” Zarządzanie energią i teleinformatyka ZET 2015″ (ISBN 978-83-937928-7-0), edited by Prof. . Assoc. Eng. Henry Kaproń (University of Warsaw).

The main objective of REMIT, which entered into force in 2011, is to increase the integrity and transparency of wholesale energy markets, in the interests of end users, through the fostering of open and fair competition. The main duties introduced by REMIT include the obligation to publically publish internal information, the prohibition of insider trading, and the imposition of non-manipulation in wholesale energy markets. Furthermore, the REMIT Implementing Regulation imposes an obligation to report transactions to the regulatory agency –  ACER, and imposes the obligation to provide basic data on the capacity and use of facilities, as well as the obligation for the registration of market participants in the register maintained by the Energy Regulatory Office (URE).

The entire publication is available to download in our “Publications” section.