
W&W’s Adam Wawrzynowicz and Katarzyna Dziąćko have an article in the “Przegląd gazowniczy” magazine on the subject of the Hydrcarbons Law

Lawyers from W&W have on article in the latest issue of the publication of the Chamber of Commerce for the gas sector ” Przegląd gazowniczy ” (No. 2/2015) on the new draft Hydrocarbons Law as updated in consideration of the numerous comments and opinions presented by representatives of the energy industry. The authors of the article, W&W’s Adam Wawrzynowicz and Katarzyna Dziąćko, present the key provisions of the bill and focus in on the purpose of the proposed regulation, which primarily is to reduce the administrative and legal barriers for investment in the hydrocarbons prospecting, exploration, exploitation and transportation sectors.

The article, “The Hydrocarbons Law – Current Status of Legislative Work”, can be viewed in the Polish language under the Publications section of our website.