
W&W’s Adam Wawrzynowicz and Tomasz Brzeziński attend the scientific and technical conference – FORGAZ 2016

Between the 13-15 January 2016, the town of Muszyna was host to the scientific and technical conference – FORGAZ 2016, as organized by the Institute of Oil and Gas (National Research Institute) to present and discuss the latest techniques and technologies for gas industry measuring, testing and operation. Wawrzynowicz & Partners was represented at the conference by Adam Wawrzynowicz and Tomasz Brzezinski.

The event is under the honorary patronage of Polskiego Górnictwa Naftowego i Gazownictwa S.A (Polish Oil and Gas Company), Izby Gospodarczej Gazownictwa (the Chamber of Commerce for the Gas Industry) and the Chairman of the Board of Polskiej Spółki Gazownictwa Sp. z o.o (the Polish Gas Company).

The conference covered issues related to the measurement of the quantity and quality of gas and the construction and operation of gas pipelines. As part of several panel discussions, lectures were given by representatives of the leading gas companies – PGNiG SA, PSG Sp. Z oo, GAZ-SYSTEM SA, EuRoPol GAZ SA, and experts from the scientific community, including the Oil and Gas Institute – National Research Institute and the University of Science and Technology in Krakow.

This year’s conference was the successive “FORGAZ” attended by lawyers from the offices of W&W.

The Institute of Oil and Gas conference materials have been published in the form of a scientific publication – “FORGAZ 2016 – Techniques and technologies for gas industry measuring, testing and operation”, which includes a lecture by Adam Wawrzynowicz and Tomasz Brzezinski entitled “The legal aspects of the implementation of support mechanisms for the operation of the Swinoujscie LNG terminal”(pp. 303 – 316 ).