Career Opportunities
We are looking for people determined to develop professionally in the areas in which the law firm specializes, in particular: energy, renewable energy and gas.
The candidate will work in a team of a dozen or so experienced lawyers involved in regulatory and legal advice for the largest energy concerns in Poland. The scope of duties will include preparing draft legal opinions and analyses and procedural documents in administrative and court proceedings.
We expect commitment and excellent work organization from candidates.
We offer attractive terms of cooperation and the opportunity to gain unique knowledge and experience related to working on demanding regulatory projects.
The Wawrzynowicz i Wspólnicy Law Firm conducts a continuous recruitment process. Applications are collected on an ongoing basis, while appointments only take place only when the team needs to be expanded.
Your application will be looked at directly by the managing partner of the law firm. If you are interested in working in our team, send your CV to:
We kindly inform you that only successful candidates will be contacted.
When sending in a CV, please add the following to the end of the last page:
“Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Wawrzynowicz i Wspólnicy z siedzibą w Poznaniu (61-770), ul. Paderewskiego 7, w celu udziału w procesie rekrutacji, w zakresie wynikającym z treści przesłanego CV. Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych przez Wawrzynowicz i Wspólnicy przy rekrutacji prowadzonej w przyszłości przez Kancelarię.
I consent to the processing of my personal data by Wawrzynowicz i Wspólnicy with its registered office in Poznań (61-770), ul. Paderewskiego 7, for the purpose of participating in the recruitment process, to the extent resulting from the content of the submitted CV. I consent to the processing of my personal data by Wawrzynowicz i Wspólnicy for future recruitment conducted by the Law Firm.”
Our privacy policy: