“Changes to distribution services in light of the new Transmission Network Code (TNC)”

Adam Wawrzynowicz, Kamil Iwicki Przegląd Gazowniczy nr 1 (41) 2014 / 28.04.2014

User traffic and the operation of the distribution network play a particularly important role in the Polish gas market. The article discusses the changes that were introduced in the new TNC, the most important of which are: to establish a distribution area, the implementation of new rules for balancing customer distribution services, introducing the possibility of distribution services on the basis of continuous feedback, standardization of services for distribution security policies for all customers through the introduction of the institutional Gas Security Code, as well as the introduction of the provisions for the preparation and implementation of the new unification of all company operations, and the establishment of the standard contract for the provision of distribution services.

The details on the changes are presented in the article.