
Tomasz Brzeziński at the “Energy Changes” conference 2015”!

We are pleased to announce that W&W’s Tomasz Brzezinski gave a speech entitled. “The new responsibilities of energy companies under the regulations of REMIT” at the “Energy Changes 2015”, conference in Warsaw last week.

W&W has once again had the privilege of providing a speaker at an energy conference organized by Adventure Consulting. The “Energy Changes 2015”, conference is the ninth edition of the annual event where the most important industry representatives and lawyers dealing with energy law gather to discuss the most important changes in the legal and regulatory environments for the energy industry.

A full list of speakers and the conference program can is available on the website –

We strongly encourage you to read the article co-authored by Tomasz Brzezinski, on which his speech was based, on the regulations of REMIT . The article appeared in the collective publication ” Zarządzanie energią i teleinformatyka ZET 2015″ ed. H. Kaproń and is available in the “Publications”section of our website.