
Article by Tomasz Brzeziński, Adam Wawrzynowicz and Dagmara Dragan in the September issue of ‘The Natural Gas Review’

The September issue of ‘Przegląd Gaznowniczy’ published an article by Tomasz Brzeziński, Adam Wawrzynowicz and Dagmara Dragan on the new challenges facing the objectives of ​​increasing energy efficiency and decarbonising buildings.

Directive (EU) 2018/844 of 30 May 2018 of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Directive 2010/31 / EU on the Energy Performance of Buildings and Directive 2012/27 / EU on Energy Efficiency both entered into force in July 2018. The amendment to the directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings aims to guarantee new tools to Member States that will help them achieve their energy efficiency target, which is currently 32.5% by 2030.

The amending directive, which is to be adopted into national law by March 10, 2020, has inserted into the directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings, among others, Art. 2a, in which a new instrument was established for long-term renovation strategies to support the renovation of domestic residential and non-residential buildings, both public and private, to ensure high energy efficiency and the decarbonisation of building resources by 2050, enabling the cost-effective transformation of existing buildings into virtually zero energy consumption buildings. Decarbonisation involves not only an end to the use of coal and solid fuels in the construction sector, but also the replacement of all fossil fuels with more sustainable alternative solutions.

Article by Tomasz Brzeziński, Adam Wawrzynowicz and Dagmara Dragan in the June issue of the of ‘The Natural Gas Review’

The June issue of “Przeglad Gazowniczy” published an article in which Tomasz Brzeziński, Adam Wawrzynowicz and Dagmara Dragan discussed amendments to the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU, which were introduced by Directive 2018/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 11 December 2018, which is part of the “Clean Energy for all Europeans” package. (the so-called Winter Package). After adoption into Polish law, the changes will extend the scope of obligations related to the achievement of final energy consumption savings by the obliged entities and the obligations to provide end users with reliable and up-to-date information on their energy consumption.

Directive 2018/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) of 11 December 2018 provides for the achieving of the energy efficiency target of 32.5% by 2030. In addition, it sets and increases targets for the level of final energy savings to be achieved by each Member State. The amending Directive introduces a number of changes to metering, but focuses in particular on the metering of heating, cooling and domestic hot water and on informing consumers about billing for energy consumption. The amendments introduced by the Amending Directive, after their adoption into Polish law, which is to take place, at the latest, by 25 June 2020, and in the case of rules concerning metering and information on energy consumption by 25 October 2020, will extend the scope of obligations related to obtaining final energy consumption savings by obliged entities and the obligations for the provision to end users of reliable and up-to-date information on their energy consumption.

W&W Law Firm is partner to the 5th edition of the National Law on Energy Law “Law with Energy”

Adam Wawrzynowicz is a member of the distinguished group of the jury of the “Law with Energy” competition, and the portal zamó has taken over as the Media Patron of the event.

Once again, the W&W law firm is supporting and sponsoring the National Energy Law Competition “Law with Energy”. The aim of the competition is to disseminate knowledge about energy law in Poland and to improve the qualifications of future lawyers.

This year, the organizers focused on the issue of electromobility. The final stage will take place this year on March 26th at 10.00 in the District Court in Poznan. It consists of two rounds.

In the first round, participants from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan and the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw will present a presentation, the content of which will be a development of the subject matter discussed in the film prepared by them as part of the first stage of the competition.

In the second round of the Final, participants will answer Jury questions in the field of energy law.

W&W Law Firm is a partner of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan

W&W Law Firm has become a partner of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan, and Portal Zamó has taken over as the Media Patron of the event.

The activities of the Faculty of Law and Economic and Political Sciences at the University of Poznań were inaugurated on April 1, 1919. Since its beginning, tens of thousands of students have travelled its corridors as undergraduates and postgraduates and have pursued and do pursue their professional passions in important political state functions (prime ministers, ministers, ambassadors), as well as in the legal, business, and cultural worlds. There are currently 4370 students at the Faculty of Law and Administration, who are educated under the supervision of 136 fellows. In 2017, as part of its evaluation process, the Minister of Science and Higher Education awarded the Faculty with the highest A + rating.

As part of the celebration of the Jubilee on 18 May 2019, the Collegium Iuridicum Novum (53 Niepodległości Avenue) will host the Alumni Congress, which includes an official ceremony and artistic and cultural celebrations. The 100th anniversary is a time of historical reflection, an opportunity to pay tribute to the people who created and create the Faculty, and an opportunity to look at the Faculty as it is today.

Adam Wawrzynowicz is a member of the team responsible for the development of a Code of Good Practice in Investor-Contractor relations

The main goals of developing a Code of Good Practice in the gas industry include the improvement of communication and cooperation between procuring entities and contractors or the use of agreements guaranteeing the balance of the investment process and the efficiency of this process.

By resolution of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce for the Gas Industry of July 19, 2018 and January 31, 2019, the team responsible for establishing a  Code of Good Practice in Investor – Contractor relations was appointed. As part of the work on the preparation of a comprehensive regulation supporting the building of proper relations between Investors and Contractors in the gas industry, Adam Wawrzynowicz is involved in the work of the section regarding contractual issues (contracts). The main objectives of the Code of Good Practice in the gas industry are, among others, the improvement of communication and cooperation between procuring entities and contractors, a higher quality of documentation in the investment process (in particular purchasing documentation), the application of agreements guaranteeing the balance of investment process and effectiveness of this process, strengthening the contractor market in the gas industry, increasing innovation and competitiveness of enterprises in the industry, higher technical level and investment safety, and consequently improving the efficiency of the investment process while maintaining the balance of the parties in this process.

W&W Law Firm – a partner to the Poznan branch of the European Law Students Association – ELSA

ELSA is the largest organization in the world for law students and young legal trainees. The international nature of the Association is based on building mutual cooperation and understanding by learning about other political systems and legal cultures.

W&W law firm in February 2019 became a permanent partner of the Poznan branch of the European Law Students Association – ELSA, which is the largest non-political, non-profit organization in the world for students and young legal trainees. It is active in 43 European countries, operating through National and Local Groups under the leadership of the Brussels based International Board. ELSA Poznan is one of 16 Local Association Groups operating in Poland. The international character of the organization is based on building mutual cooperation and understanding by learning about other political systems and legal cultures.

ELSA Poznan organizes various projects every year, including Legal Education Days, nationwide conferences, the ELSA Poznan Law School, the Faculty Job and Internships Fair – Law in Practice, National Legal Practice Days and charity events.

Adam Wawrzynowicz is a member of the distinguished group of jurors of the XXIII edition of the Local Public Speaking Competition, where participants assume the roles of the parties to court proceedings in civil, criminal or administrative proceedings. The task is to give a final speech in proceedings before the court of first instance. Students compete with a previously drawn opponent, giving 10-minute speeches with the right to a 3 minute reply after the appearance of the adversary, or a 15-minute speech without the right to a reply.

In addition to material prizes, the winner of the Competition gained the right to participate in the Final of the 23rd edition of the National Public Speaking Competition.

W&W’s Katarzyna Dziąćko and Adam Wawrzynowicz are to give presentations during the conference, “Reform of the Investment and Construction Process, Directions of Change”

A conference entitled “Reform of the Investment and Construction Process, Directions of Change”, devoted to the subject of public procurement, liquidation of investment barriers and clean air is taking place on the days of October 25-26, 2018, at the Hotel Mazurkas Conference & SPA in Ożarów Mazowiecki.

Individual sessions will cover issues related to the assumptions of the new Public Procurement Law, planned changes to regulations regarding linear investments of public purpose and barriers to gas investments. The State strategy to combat smog and the initiatives taken by the gas industry to improve air quality will also be presented in more detail. The participants in the debates will include representatives of the Public Procurement Office and the Ministry of Investment and Development. W&W’s Katarzyna Dziąćko and Adam Wawrzynowicz are also to give presentations during the conference.

You can view the conference program at:

Adam Wawrzynowicz and Tomasz Brzeziński to give a lecture during the 21st Gazterm Conference 2018

The XXI Gazterm Conference is to take place in Międzyzdroje on May 7-9, 2018. This year the theme is “The State of and Prospects for US – Tricity Gas Cooperation”.

The subject of the event has been divided into two main areas: international affairs, which will focus, among others, on US energy strategy, and the so-called Northern Gate project, as well as the concept of the underground gas storage market in the Tricity region; and domestic issues, which will focus on issues such as the use of gas for powering public transport and the fight against smog as an opportunity for natural gas.

The conference is under the patronage of the Ministry of Energy. The main partners of the conference are PGNiG S.A. and the Lower Silesian Institute of Energy Studies, and the industry partner is the Chamber of Commerce for the Gas Industry.

The conference program is available at the organizer’s website:

Adam Wawrzynowicz to be W&W’s representative of W & W at the 6th Congress of the Polish Gas Industry.

Od 5 do 7 kwietnia w Hotelu Double Tree by Hilton Łódź odbędzie się VI Kongres Polskiego Przemysłu Gazowniczego „Rynek gazu ziemnego w Polsce – kierunki rozwoju” . Jest to wydarzenie cykliczne, organizowane co dwa lata przez Izbę Gospodarczą Gazownictwa. Kongres został podzielony na trzy sesje poświęcone między innymi regulacjom prawnym w branży gazowniczej oraz bezpieczeństwu technicznemu w kontekście rynku usług, producentów i odbiorców. O szczególnej doniosłości tegorocznej edycji świadczy fakt, iż w jej ramach uczczony zostanie Jubileusz 15-lecia działalności organizatorów.

Wśród prelegentów, którzy wystąpią podczas Kongresu znajdą się Ministrowie Energii, Inwestycji i Rozwoju oraz Przedsiębiorczości i Technologii, a także eksperci z branży gazowniczej, przedstawiciele renomowanych firm doradczych i kancelarii prawnych.

Dnia 6 kwietnia w ramach II sesji Kongresu wystąpi mec. Adam Wawrzynowicz jako przedstawiciel kancelarii Wawrzynowicz&Wspólnicy. Jego prelekcja będzie dotyczyła jednego z kluczowych wątków związanych z regulacjami prawnymi branży gazowniczej.

Kongres został objęty Patronatem Honorowym m. in. przez Ministerstwo Energii, Urząd Regulacji Energetyki i Urząd Dozoru Technicznego.

Z programem wydarzenia oraz listą prelegentów można zapoznać się na stronie organizatora:

W&W’s Kamil Iwicki to be a speaker at the Gas Liberalization and Energy Security Conference 2017

The 2017 8th edition of the Gas Sector Liberalization and Energy Security Conference will take place on December 11. The topics discussed will include: diversification of gas supplies, the Northern Gate project, the next stage of liberalization on the gas market and the gas market on the Polish Power Exchange.

The conference will be attended by, among others, Dr. Piotr Naimski – Secretary of State and Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure; Piotr Sprzączak – Government Plenipotentiary for Strategic Energy Infrastructure; Maciej Woźniak, Vice President of the PGNiG S.A. Management Board.

W&W’s Kamil Iwicki will give a talk entitled “New rules for gas storage. Amendments to the law on stock and changes in energy law “.

The conference will take place on 11 December 2017 at the Sofitel Victoria Hotel ul. Królewska 11, Warsaw. The full conference program can be viewed on the organiser’s website: